Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Injured Bad

A friend sent this to me last week (it also made the SG links today). A truly adorable kid and a great ad.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Food for Thought

The Case against Roger Clemens - Bloggermann -

following a list of Roger Clemen's worst outings in the postseason (really a lot more than I had remembered), Keith Olbermann backs up some of the suggestions he made on his show earlier this week that the Bush administration has used terror alerts for political purposes. He lists 13 different incidents of a bad political moment followed with a terror alert announcement. Just something to think about, and discuss in the comments if you'd like. Like the K-Man, I like to throw something out there every once in a while to make you think.

- World Series game 3, tied and heading to the 9th inning. I hope this series goes 7. There have been some great games so far.
- Finished 2nd at O'neils tonight. That and $.50 will get me a diet mountain dew.

Monday, October 24, 2005

"High, Wide, and Handsome"

So, it doesn't come out until next August, but I'm definitely excited for this film for several reasons:

  1. Will Ferrell is a genius, and I hope he plays this character like his imitation of John Rocker from SNL. ("I bowhunt!")
  2. Sacha Baron Cohen (Ali G) is playing a French, gay, Formula-1 driver who has come to the US to dominate Nascar. This guarantees me at least two new jokes on the Colonel.
  3. Ferrell's character's name is "Ricky Bobby" and he has two sons named "Walker" and "Texas Ranger." That's just awesome.

September 7, 2005 - Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly and Sacha Baron Cohen are all
starring in an untitled NASCAR-centered comedy that's just started shooting in
Charlotte, North Carolina. The film was co-written by Ferrell and director
Adam McKay (Anchorman). It tells the story of NASCAR racing sensation Ricky
Bobby (Ferrell) whose "win at all costs" approach has made him a national hero. He and his loyal racing partner, childhood friend Cal Naughton Jr. (John C.
Reilly), are a fearless duo – dubbed "Thunder" and "Lightning" by their fans for their ability to finish so many races in the #1 and #2 positions, with Cal
always in second place. When a flamboyant French Formula One driver, Jean Girard (Sacha Baron Cohen), challenges the "Thunder" and "Lightning" for the supremacy of NASCAR, Ricky Bobby must face his own demons and fight Girard for the right to be known as racing's top driver. The flick's supporting cast is rounded out by Gary Cole, Michael Clarke Duncan, Leslie Bibb and Jane Lynch.
Producers pitched the movie idea to studios as: "Six words: Will Ferrell as a Nascar driver."

That would've pretty much sealed the deal for me.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Set your TV to Stun

Makes Phaser Fire & Other Sound Effects!

I feel that two of my comic/sci-fi loving friends will soon be using this to "warp" from channel to channel.

Freestylin' Facial Hair

Gallery of� Contestants and Champions

I dare you to go to this site and not chuckle.

If I could grow "The Musketeer," I'd be about 225% cooler.

Monday, October 03, 2005

The K-Man's Garage Band

Live shots of K-Man and the gals rocking out in the basement. Gotta love that sweater!