Sunday, July 01, 2007

a completely not ok way to celebrate a homerun

This is not allowed. Not even if you and your favorite teammate happen to be wearing matching green socks and mesh shorts.

also, I'm loving youtube's knew easy "post to blog" function. now you all can enjoy the stupid stuff I find. hooray for free time.

*** Update***

Thanks to 10 for letting me know the old video got pulled. here's the clip again. There's also a longer clip of the same "highlight" with audio clips from Borat at:


Anonymous said...

Dang it! Any idea where else I can see this clip? I feel I need to since I was called out in the post! It's green shorts and sox for you ALL FALL.

mrdaly said...

I'm on it. I'll find the clip somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I think it was the two-person team playing "pennies from heaven." You have better luck if you really cram it up in there.