Tuesday, July 11, 2006


back in February, over on the K-Man's "Eponymous Serious" blog I vented about the White House's press releases about the deficit. Each of the last 4 years, they've released the deficit numbers in the winter, overestimating how large it is so that come summer they can say "look it's only $300 million, it's better than expected! We saved all this money!" Well, it seems that today's headline that "White House heralds improved deficit figures" means that they've done it again.

Couple questions:
  • do they think that little of the American people?
  • can you really "herald" the announcement that you've spent nearly $300 million more than you took in?

also, Congress is talking about banning internet gambling, and that will really cause me to rant. Looks like our Congressman, Virgil Goode, is a co-sponsor, so I probably can't talk him out of this one. Guess I'll just email our Senators and hope they kill it. The hypocrisy of banning poker and sports betting (which, I argue, are skill games) but allowing online state lotteries or horse-racing to continue is troubling.

alright, I'm off to find something more fun to blog about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eliminate on-line gambling? That's 'dic' ...as in ridiculous. Obviously a little publicity ploy. I'd "bet" that Virgil has a little home game with his pals. Let's make it our mission to find out by infiltrating every home game in the fifth district.

You know he can check-raise. Ask the democrats. "Yeah, I'm a democrat," slowplay, slowplay, slowplay. "B-S, boys, I'm as independent as the people I serve!" Another round of betting. "ha-HA, Bitches! GOP for me! Yahtzee!"